Anbernic RG353V Vs. RG353VS

Anbernic RG353V Vs. RG353VS
1. Intro
Hello there! Over the past year, Anbernic has released handhelds, and I've tested most of them on my channel. Comparing two of the models is something I have yet to have time to accomplish, though. In this video, we examine the RG 353V and the less expensive RG353VS in more significant interest in vertical giveaways; what are the similarities and differences between the two, and which one should you purchase? Let's investigate!
2. Unboxing Experience
The only difference between the two devices' unboxing experiences is that the RG353VS arrives in slightly more graphical packaging, while the RG353V comes in this simple white box. The gadget itself, a USB A to USBC charging cable, a screen protector, a quick start guide or user manual that will get you started, and some wipes for the screen protector application are all included in the box. As previously stated, the RG353VS will be unboxed in the same manner as the item above.
3. Physical Differences And Color Variations
Except for the sticker on the back, everything is the same from a physical standpoint. You can use that to determine the model you are using. As you can see, my models are available in stunning transparent black and purple. However, there are also a few additional colour options. Oddly, it also depends on the version you choose to purchase right now.
4. RG353V vs. RG353VS Boot-Time
These two gadgets have each been booted up a few times. Please be patient while I reboot them simultaneously to show you how quickly they boot up. It will take a while. As you can see, it took the RG353VS over twice as long to boot up. Speaking about RAM, this might result from having one gigabyte less.
5. RG353V vs. RG353VS Specifications
The RG353VS that you see here has Linux OS, which is one of the differences in specifications. It contains one gigabyte of LPDDR4 RAM and a quad-core rk3566 CPU. The screen has a resolution of 640x480 and is a 3.5-inch IPS display. It includes two micro SD slots: one for the operating system and another for games. Depending on what you play, the 3200-millimetre battery and one-horned loudspeaker between the analogue sticks can last up to six hours. The internals of the RG353V are nearly identical. However, the main distinction is using a dual boot system that allows access to Android 11. In addition to running various emulators more effectively, the device will boot up without a Micro SD in the OS card port. Naturally, Android also allows you to download apps and games that you would typically be able to do on your Android phone because of Vulcan support. To run Android, it also features an additional gigabyte of LPDDR4 RAM. Additionally, its internal storage is more extensive and speedier.
6. RG353V vs. RG353VS Gameplay Comparison
During my experiments, the gameplay was not different between the two devices running Linux. Even though it was different in colour, I couldn't remember which gadget I used. Something that caught me off guard.
7. RG353V vs. RG353VS Ocarina of Time (N64)
But in reality, the less expensive RG353VS on the right booted into some emulators a little quicker than the RG353V. However, I don't know why it is. With all the games, it features a faster micro SD. However, I also noted that the RG353VS on the right had a wider white than the image when I was editing this movie. However, that was insignificant. Based on my observations during gameplay, both of these devices functioned admirably in N64.
8. Conclusion Which One Should You Buy?
That concludes my brief comparison of the Anbernic RG 353V and RG353VS. Ultimately, it will depend on your smartphone's preference for Android. Remember that Linux is essentially pick-up-and-play, while Android requires more tweaking. I prefer to use my time to quickly build Arc OS and operate it exclusively on the RG 353VS. Please share your thoughts and the device you would purchase in the comments section below.