How to patch a ROM for ROM hacks

How to patch a ROM for ROM hacks
What are ROM hacks?
ROM hacks are fan-made games based on the original ROM or game after making any necessary modifications. They are "hacking" the ROM to apply their alterations so you can experience something new, including new stories, characters, and an entirely new game.
Where do you find ROM hacks?
Although there are numerous websites with various ROM hacks based on the game, these are some of the most well-known ones:
I found a ROM hack; now what?
Every ROM hack available gives you a patch file, never the entire ROM. This implies that you must use this file in conjunction with the original ROM to patch it.
You can see the original ROM you require in each ROM hack thread. For instance, every ROM hack page on displays the following:
This indicates that you must have that particular Pokemon Fire Red ROM as the foundation before using the patch file.
I have my ROM and my ROM hack patch file; now what?
Fantastic, you're all set to go. You should visit the website listed below:
This should be self-explanatory, but click Choose file next to ROM file and go to your ROM file (Pokemon Fire Red, for example).
Next, choose Choose file next to Patch file and find your Patch file (the one you downloaded from the ROM hack website).
When you do this, one of several things will occur. You might see an error message that reads "Invalid patch file," which indicates that either you chose the incorrect patch file or your base ROM is erroneous (you will need to double-check that your ROM is correct for that particular ROM hack).
If you receive an error saying "Source ROM checksum mismatch," it indicates that your ROM is faulty even though you have the correct patch file. The correct ROM version must be used.
If your CRC32 has a green checkmark next to it and there are no visible mistakes, you can choose to apply a patch. You will then receive a download of your newly patched ROM hack.
What do I do with this now?
The guide can go in a hundred different directions from here. All you need to do now is move your ROM to your device and save it in the appropriate system and ROM folders. For example, if you have a Pokemon Fire Red ROM hack, you must store it alongside your other GBA games, wherever possible.
It is frequently found in the Roms and GBA folders alone.
This concludes the guide: have fun hacking ROMs!