TrimUI Smart Pro Setup Guide

Recommended Accessories

  • MicroSD Card: 128GB or 256GB (any of these would be sufficient given the platforms this runs on)
  • MicroSD Card Reader: Reader for UGREEN SD Cards
  • Charger: UGREEN 65W Charger (charges via USB-A connector)

Stock Setup Guide (without cloning)

This setup guide assumes you want to start from scratch with a brand new branded SD card, and you will be providing your own ROMs & BIOS files.

You may obtain the most recent firmware here, which is the first thing you should do. The file that begins with trimui_tg5040 is the one you are looking for.

You want to obtain those files from here and select the base_package option since we need to set up the SD card next.

Use 7-Zip to extract both zip files.

Your new card needs to be formatted as FAT32 now. Rufus is a program that can do this. Get the portable version here.

Connect your SD card to your PC using a branded SD card reader (see the above suggestions), then launch Rufus. Please verify that the device is your SD card; it should have the exact dimensions. Select "Non-bootable" as the boot option. Verify that the file system is either Large FAT32 or FAT32. Press the START button.

You will have a blank SD card with a FAT32 format when it is finished.

After extracting the contents of the base_package zip file to the SD card's root, including the RetroArch, Emus, and other folders, copy the firmware zip-—awing file to the root of the blank SD card that we just formatted.

After ejecting the SD card, put it into your TrimUI Smart Pro.

A green loading bar will appear after a few seconds of simultaneously pressing and holding VOLUME MINUS + POWER. When you do, release the POWER and VOLUME MINUS buttons.

After the firmware has been installed, the device will restart itself, and you will be in the operating System.

Adding ROMs & BIOS

Attach your PC to your SD card.

If you navigate to the Roms folder, you should notice several folders for every System the device supports.

Moving your ROMs for each System into the appropriate system folder should be self-explanatory at this stage.

Next, navigate to the RetroArch folder for BIOS.first the retroarch, then the System. You can save your BIOS files inside this folder.

When you add or remove ROM files, they may not always show up, so you should refresh the ROM list. Head to the Game tab in the operating System, then push the Menu button at the bottom left of the device and select Refresh Roms.

FN Mode

An FN button is located on the device's bottom. This should be on the right (that is, on the side opposite FN).

Next, navigate to App, Fnkey settings, and turn on CPU Performance Mode in the Operating System.

Box Art

To obtain box art, you will need to use and because the device does not have a built-in method for doing so.

Attach your PC to your SD card.

Create a Screenscraper account and keep your login information handy.

Skraper can be downloaded for your OS system from the upper right corner of the website.

Use to extract the 7z file that is downloaded.

Click Validate after launching SkraperUI.exe and entering your Screenscraper login information. Then, after that.

This will take a very long time, so let it download materials.

After choosing Generic Emulation, proceed.

It is now requesting the location of your Roms, so click the folder and go to the Roms folder and your SD card. The majority of the systems, if not all of them, should populate; some may not, but that's okay for the time being. Press the following button. Next, again.

Now that we are on the main Skraper screen, if you look to the left, you can see all of the System files it discovered, whether or not they contain ROMs. You might be missing some systems here, in which case click the Plus symbol next to Wizard in the list.

Locate the missing system icon, click it, and then select "Okay."

Scraper needs to know where that System is, so click the folder icon next to the Games/Roms folder and go to the System's folder.

For any systems that are missing, use these identical procedures.

Navigate to the All Systems tab on the right, select the Game List tab, and select "no backup" instead of "updating existing." You can choose what you want scraped by going to the Media tab. I'm going to select the handbook and click the minus icon on the left to remove it because I don't need it.

You have a choice of internal mix and media. I will leave it at the four-image combination.

Now, modify the output folder to %ROMROOTFOLDER%\Imgs\. This instructs it to save the box art in the Roms folder, followed by the system folder (such as GBA), and then the Imgs folder.

The scraping process will take a very, very long time. After it's set, click the bottom right play button. After that, click OK to start it. This will require a very long period—a very long time. You can skip games that have already been scraped by clicking the X to stop it, but it doesn't really matter. I would advise working on one System at a time by picking the System on the left and then pressing play.

When scraping is finished, we're not done yet. The problem with the TrimUI Smart Pro is that the photos must be in the Imgs folder at the top level of the SD card, which is Imgs/systemname/. Fortunately, that folder already exists.

After going into each of your Rom system folders and then each of the Imgs folders, cut and paste the pictures into the Imgs/system name/folder.

Navigate to each of your Rom system folders, then each of the Imgs folders, and cut and paste the images into the Imgs/system name/ folder.

After completing that for each System, replace the SD card in your device, turn it on, and enjoy your box art.

Updating stock firmware and files

You may obtain the most recent firmware here, which is the first thing you should do. The file that begins with trimui_tg5040 is the one you are looking for.

The SD card files that update programs, RetroArch, and other things are then required. Therefore, you should download them from this location and select the base_package option.

Use 7-Zip to extract both zip files.

Connect your SD card to your computer using a branded SD card reader (see the above suggestion). Copy the contents of the base_package zip file you extracted to the SD card's root, including the RetroArch, Emus, and other folders. Next, copy the firmware zip files. awing file to the SD card's root.

After ejecting the SD card, put it into your TrimUI Smart Pro.

A green loading bar will appear after a few seconds of simultaneously pressing and holding VOLUME MINUS + POWER. When you do, release the POWER and VOLUME MINUS buttons.

After the firmware has been installed, the device will restart itself, and you will be in the operating System.

Turn off Shaders/Overlays

If you detest the shaders and overlays typically pre-installed on most systems, let me demonstrate how to get rid of them. After applying them, launch a game and press the menu button in the lower left corner. Navigate to the Advanced Menu. Uncheck Display Overlay after navigating down to On-Screen Overlay. Uncheck Video Shaders after going back and scrolling down to Shaders. Return to Overrides, then select Save Core Overrides.

Calibrate Joysticks

At the top, select Setting, followed by System, and finally Calibrate Joystick. Press A, choose the left joystick first, and then spin the stick as directed. Then proceed to the right stick. Believe me, you want to calibrate these, so don't skip this.


  • To switch the emulator or core used for a particular game, select it from the list of games and press X. A list will appear.

Adding Pico-8

You must follow a few steps in order to add Pico-8.

First, you'll download this 7zip package, which contains all of the Pico-8 files you need to run the games.

Utilizing 7-Zip, extract the 7zip file.

Transfer the Apps folder to the root of your SD card, combining it with the pre-existing Apps folder.

The following files must then be added to the Apps/pico/bin folder.

  • pico8_64
  • pico8.dat

These are legally available if you buy Pico-8 from The Raspberry Pi version is required.

Games go into the Apps/pico/.lexaloffle/pico-8/bbs/carts folder. Depending on your operating System, this might be hidden by default, so if you don't see it, make sure to enable the ability to see hidden files and folders.

A romset of Pico-8 games is available here if you're looking for one:

Custom Firmware Options

Custom firmware is a replacement or addition on top of the stock firmware that we set up above.


This setup guide assumes you have followed the instructions to set up the latest firmware on your TrimUI Smart Pro, as TomatoOS is meant to be used on top of the original firmware and contents. If you're using a blank new SD card to try this out, do all of the steps in the stock setup guide first.

Go to to access the TomatoOS Google Drive page.

Get the most recent version, which reads Trimui Smart Pro Tomato OS (not trimui_tg5040). The zip file should be extracted.

Attach your PC to your SD card. Copy the contents of the extracted zip file to the SD card's root. Delete anything it requests.

That concludes the installation of TomatoOS.


This setup guide assumes you want to start from scratch with a brand new branded SD card. You will provide your own ROMs and BIOS files. For this guide, we will install CrossMix-OS.


This setup guide assumes you want to start from scratch with a brand new branded SD card. You will provide your own ROMs and BIOS files. We will install MinUI for this guide.